8 Clear Signs Your Toddler May Need Glasses

Does your toddler struggle while concentrating on objects or performing activities? Do they often squint or tilt their head when trying to focus? If so, these may be signs that your toddler needs glasses. Although vision problems are more common in older ages, toddlers can also suffer from vision issues.

As a parent, you may be concerned if your toddler has vision problems that, if left unaddressed, can have lasting effects on their development. In fact, 1 in 17 preschoolers experiences vision problems that require treatment.

As children’s eyesight develops, parents must recognize when something feels amiss and seek professional help. This blog will outline eight clear signs that could indicate that your child requires eyecare or prescription glasses. By identifying these common signs, you can help your toddler to avoid long-lasting vision-related issues.

1. Blinking more than usual

Does your toddler seem to be blinking more than usual? If so, this may indicate that your child needs glasses. Blinking more rapidly or frequently than normal is one of the common signs that could indicate an underlying vision problem in toddlers.

It is important to pay attention to this sign, especially when your toddler has difficulty with activities that involve looking at things from afar or up close. Toddlers who blink more than usual may also have difficulty focusing and maintaining eye contact with people or objects. So, it is important to recognize the signs of potential vision problems early on so your toddler can get the appropriate treatment at the right time.

2. Squinting

Parents often notice their toddlers are squinting, but may not realize this could be a sign that their child might need eye care. A sign your kid needs glasses is squinting since it indicates an attempt to correct their focus or improve the clarity of their vision.

In some cases, squinting may be due to underlying issues such as myopia or astigmatism, making it difficult for your toddler to see even when objects are close. If left untreated, such issues can lead to more serious vision problems. If your child squints frequently, an optometrist should check their eyes to ensure that their vision is developing properly.

3. Rubbing eyes excessively

When your toddler rubs their eyes, it could be a sign of an infection, allergies, dryness, or an indication of vision difficulty and inability to see clearly or comfortably. Pay attention to your toddler’s eye rubbing if it is becoming a habit, as rubbing the eyes can be a response to eye strain, irritation, or vision blurriness.

Not to mention that long-term rubbing of the eyes can cause damage to the delicate eye tissue and lead to vision problems in later years. Suppose you notice that your toddler is frequently rubbing their eyes. In that case, it is critical to visit an optometrist for an eye examination, and the optometrist will be able to diagnose any underlying problems and recommend the appropriate treatment.

4. Tilting head or covering one eye

One of the signs that your toddler might need glasses is when they start tilting their head or covering one eye to see better. This is because toddlers normally use both eyes to focus and align vision when they look at objects.

However, if a toddler has an underlying vision problem, it can lead them to tilt their head or cover one eye to get a better view and focus on the object. This usually occurs because the child needs corrections for amblyopia, or lazy eye, which is very common in children. If this behavior persists, your child must undergo an eye exam to determine the needed treatment or procedure.

5. Having frequent headaches 

While other factors can cause headaches, frequent headaches could indicate that your toddler needs glasses or treatment for a vision-related issue. Headaches can have many causes, but if your toddler is experiencing them regularly, it could be a sign that their vision needs to be checked.

This is especially true if the headaches are accompanied by other symptoms like blurred vision, difficulty seeing distant objects or objects in their peripheral vision, or squinting. If your toddler complains of headaches often, it is important to book a comprehensive eye exam to determine if they need glasses. The doctor can also test to see if the headaches are related to other health issues, such as sinus infections or allergies.

6. Complaining of eye pain

Toddlers and young children cannot explain how their eyes feel or express any discomfort they may be feeling, making it difficult for parents to recognize signs that could point to serious issues. Many children experience vision problems in their developmental years, and eye pain can be a sign of an issue with their vision. Suppose your toddler is complaining of frequent or ongoing discomfort in their eyes. In that case, it may be time to visit an optometrist so your child can get the necessary vision care and, if needed, a pair of prescription glasses.

7. Difficulties encountered while reading 

Reading problems are often the first signs of a vision problem in young children. As toddlers begin to recognize words and read books, it can be difficult to understand and comprehend what they see if their vision is impaired.

Some common difficulties encountered while reading includes difficulty tracking words on a page, recognizing words or letters, skipping or repeating words when reading aloud, or having a short attention span during reading time. If your toddler is experiencing any of these issues when attempting to read, it may be time for them to get an eye exam and potentially get glasses prescribed.

8. Sitting close to the TV or reading a book up close

Does your child prefer to sit too close to the TV or read a book from proximity? If so, it may indicate that they have difficulty seeing things from afar or have myopia and may need glasses.

Therefore, it is important to visit an optometrist or ophthalmologist for a comprehensive eye exam as soon as possible since an early diagnosis and treatment can prevent further vision deterioration. Ideally, a pair of glasses can help improve your child’s vision and make everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.


Do you suspect that your toddler might need glasses? Although some signs may indicate that a toddler needs glasses, a professional assessment is the only way to confirm it. Unfortunately, children cannot always tell us when something is wrong with their vision.

Therefore, it is important to take the initiative and book an appointment with a specialist to check your child’s vision once you notice any possible symptoms. This way, your child can get the help they need and get prescription glasses if necessary.

Suppose you notice your child exhibiting visible signs such as difficulty focusing, frequent squinting, and avoiding activities that require clear vision, such as reading or watching TV. In that case, it is time for an appointment with the doctor and a comprehensive vision check-up to ascertain whether your child needs prescription glasses. With the right glasses and regular check-ups, rest assured that your toddler will enjoy and interact with the world to the full extent.