How to Keep Your Child's Sleep Routine on Track While Traveling

Traveling with children can be an exciting and enriching experience. Still, it can also disrupt their sleep routines, leading to crankiness and exhaustion. This blog will explore effective strategies to help you keep your child's sleep routine on track while traveling, ensuring a well-rested and enjoyable trip for the whole family.

Pre-Trip Preparation

Before embarking on your journey, preparing and gathering all sleep supplies can make a significant difference in maintaining your child's sleep routine.

  • Research and plan accommodations: Look for family-friendly accommodations offering quiet and comfortable sleeping environments that are conducive to your child's needs.
  • Pack familiar sleep-related items: Bring your child's favorite stuffed animals, blankets, or pillows to provide comfort and familiarity in unfamiliar surroundings. Of course, don’t forget to pack your SlumberPod to ensure a good night’s sleep for the entire family.
  • Gradually adjust sleep schedule: Begin adjusting your child's sleep schedule a few days before the trip to align with the new time zone, if applicable. Gradual adjustments can make the transition smoother.

On-the-Go Strategies

While traveling, it's essential to stick to a child's familiar sleep routine, so you can signal to your child that it's time to wind down and sleep.

  • Maintain bedtime routines: Follow the same familiar routine, such as reading a book or singing a lullaby, to help your child feel secure and prepared for sleep.
  • Create a sleep-friendly environment: Control lighting and noise in your accommodation by using a SlumberPod and white noise machines or apps. These tools can help minimize disruptions and create a soothing sleep environment.
  • Consistency in sleep cues and rituals: Keep consistent sleep cues, such as using the same pajamas or having a specific pre-sleep ritual. These signals will help your child understand that it's time to sleep, regardless of the location.

Navigating Time Zone Changes

Adjusting your child's sleep routine can help them adapt to the new time zone more smoothly when traveling across time zones.

  • Gradual adjustment: Start shifting your child's sleep schedule a few days before traveling to the new time zone. Adjust bedtime and wake-up times incrementally, allowing their body to adapt gradually.
  • Sync meals and activities: Once you arrive at your destination, align your child's meals and activities with the local time zone. This can help reset their internal clock more effectively.
  • Utilize natural light exposure: Expose your child to natural light during the daytime hours, as sunlight helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Encourage outdoor activities to aid in adjusting to the new time zone.
  • Consult a medical professional: In some instances, under medical guidance, melatonin supplements may be recommended to aid in adjusting to new time zones. However, always consult a healthcare professional before considering any supplements for your child.

Managing Jet Lag

Jet lag can disrupt sleep patterns and make children and adults feel dizzy and tired. To avoid potential tantrums and handle a jet leg with a child, take a look at some strategies to help manage jet lag:

  • Physical activity and sunlight: Encourage your child to engage in physical activities and spend time outdoors upon arrival. Exposure to sunlight and increased physical activity can help reset their circadian rhythm.
  • Relaxation techniques: Introduce calming activities before bedtime, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath, to help your child wind down and prepare for sleep.
  • Balanced meals and snacks: Offer healthy and balanced meals and snacks throughout the day to regulate energy levels and prevent excessive drowsiness or hunger-related disruptions.
  • Power naps: Allow short power naps during the day if your child needs them, but ensure they do not interfere with their regular sleep schedule.

Dealing with Interruptions

Even with the best preparations, sleep disruptions can still occur while traveling. Here's how to handle them:

  • Comfort and reassure your child: Offer comfort and reassurance if your child wakes up due to unfamiliar surroundings. Let them know you are there for them and provide a sense of security.
  • Transitional objects: Bring along familiar toys or blankets that your child associates with sleep. These familiar objects can provide comfort and help them fall back asleep more easily.
  • Consistent responses: Respond consistently to your child's nighttime awakenings, just as you would at home. This helps establish a sense of routine and minimize disruptions.

When moving to a new home with a newborn and enlisting the help of professional movers, it's crucial to consider the impact on your child's sleep routine. By taking a few key steps, you can avoid typical mistakes, minimize disruptions, and help your child maintain a consistent sleep schedule during this transitional period. Plan by packing essential sleep-related items separately and ensuring they are easily accessible upon arrival.

Also, it would be best if you communicated with the moving company to coordinate the timing of the move, aiming to avoid disruptions during your child's nap or bedtime. By prioritizing your child's sleep needs and implementing a thoughtful approach, you can help them adjust smoothly to their new surroundings while keeping their sleep routine on track.

Returning to Normalcy

When returning home from your trip, gradually transition your child to their regular sleep routine.

  • Gradual transition: Allow a few days for your child to readjust to their original sleep schedule. Gradual transitions help minimize the impact of jet lag or time zone changes.
  • Reinforce familiar sleep cues and rituals: Resume the usual bedtime routine and ensure consistency in sleep cues, such as using the same bedtime stories or songs. This consistency will signal to your child that it's time to sleep.
  • Practice patience and consistency: It may take a few days for your child to readjust fully. Consider all the factors, and be patient and consistent in reinforcing their sleep routine.


Maintaining your child's sleep routine while traveling is crucial for their overall well-being and enjoyment of the trip. By preparing ahead of time, creating a sleep-friendly environment, adapting to time zone changes, and managing jet lag effectively, you can help your child maintain healthy sleep habits while on the go. Remember, flexibility and consistency are key, ensuring your child gets the restful sleep they need to enjoy the travel experience fully.

SlumberPod guest blogger: Stacy Smith

Author’s Bio: Stacy Smith is an early child development specialist and a freelance content writer. She loves writing about family, gastronomy, travel, moving, and art & culture. Stacy has many years of experience in blogging and creating content for companies like Mod Movers Monterey, CA, among others.