When to Take Your Child to the Dentist

As parents, we want nothing but the best for our children, and that includes good dental health. To help us achieve such a goal, one thing is important—a regular visit to the dentist. 

By seeing a healthcare professional, it is easy to maintain the best oral health while also preventing a wide array of dental problems. 

Especially if you are a first-time parent, you are probably curious – when should I take my child to the dentist? Read on and find out the answer! 

When to Have Your Child’s First Dental Visit 

The life of a parent is never easy. From potty training to sleep training, there are many things that you need to teach them. Among others, another important lesson that should be instilled at a young age is the importance of oral health, and this should start with a regular dental visit. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, you should take your child to the dentist upon the eruption or appearance of its first tooth, which usually happens in the sixth month. The first dental visit should be no later than the child’s first birthday.  

During this first visit, the dentist will examine your child’s mouth to detect problems that could have been missed. This is a great preventive measure to avoid dental issues. For babies with tongue ties, this will let the dentist execute the solution early. This will also allow parents to learn how to promote the best dental health routine for their children. 

Signs Your Child Needs to See a Dentist 

Age is not the only basis when it comes to the right time for children to see a dentist. Below are other signs that tell you that you must see a dental professional. 

Persistent Pain 

Seeing a child in pain is a nightmare for parents. While they can experience pain for many reasons, one of the most common causes is tooth problems. It could be because of emerging teeth, cracked enamel, or tooth decay. 

When they have a toothache, we must act immediately to prevent them from suffering long. Experiment with several home remedies, such as gargling with salt water, applying a cold compress, or massaging with aloe vera gel. If the pain persists, the next best thing to do is go to the dentist. With professional guidance, it is easier to determine the root cause of the problem and execute the best possible solution. 

Teeth Discoloration 

Discoloration is a common problem in our teeth. Nonetheless, it does not happen only to adults. While it isn’t as common with children, it’s possible for them to have discolored teeth. 

Some of the most common causes of teeth discoloration in children include improper brushing, medications, weak enamel, tooth injury, and excessive fluoride. 

When you notice that your child has discolored teeth, do not panic. Instead, book a dental appointment and seek help from a professional to better understand the causes behind the problem. Best of all, an experienced family dentist can recommend the best possible approach to solve your predicament. 

Loose Tooth 

At six years old, children will start losing their baby teeth. They will have a loose tooth, which is a common reason to take your child to the dentist. Nonetheless, some parents opt to do it on their own. You can pull a loose tooth by wrapping the affected tooth on a tissue, then squeeze and pull. Children can even wiggle it themselves, and their teeth will be off in no time. 

Nonetheless, the best thing to do is to see a dentist. This way, the dentist can make sure that the process is quick and painless. Best of all, you can prevent infection and other potential problems. 

Bleeding Gums 

The sight of blood in the gums can easily scare children and parents. It can be because of several problems, such as plaque and gingivitis. High-sugar diet and dry mouth are some of its main causes. It can also be because of using the wrong toothbrush or brushing the wrong way, putting excessive pressure on the gums, making them bleed. 

If you are worried that it can be something serious or if it becomes a persistent problem, then take this as another sign that you must bring your child to the dentist. The dentist can examine the gums and point out the main causes. Best of all, the dentist can also recommend treatment and steps to prevent gums from bleeding again. 

Bad Breath 

Like adults, kids can also have bad breath. That can be embarrassing, especially if they are already at the schooling age. This can even be a cause of bullying. This problem can be caused by many factors, such as poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth, large tonsils, allergies, health problems, and an unhealthy diet. 

Whatever the reasons are, bad breath in children is another reason to see a dentist. The dentist can perform a thorough inspection of your child’s mouth to determine the root cause of the problem. The dentist can also implement the best possible action plan, including dental treatments and recommendations for maintaining good oral health. 

Final Thoughts 

A regular dental visit is crucial for promoting the overall health of children. It is recommended that a child visits a dentist for the first time after the first tooth eruption, which usually happens in the sixth month. Do not wait for the child to turn one year old. 

More so, you should also pay attention to signs or problems that indicate the necessity to see a dentist. Such will include persistent pain, teeth discoloration, loose tooth, bleeding gums, and bad breath. A dental visit will help you point out the root causes of the problem and identify the most effective solutions. 


Chelsea Smith

Chelsea Smith is a content creator who writes about a variety of topics, especially around dental health. She has been promoting proper dental care through her work and urges everyone to visit their dentists regularly.
Chelsea enjoys cycling during her free time.


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