Best Parenting Apps in 2021

The first smartphone was released to the public in 1994. Since then, these always-on devices have become a staple in our everyday lives. And luckily for new parents, there are many ways that these pocket PCs can help in their child-rearing quests. But more than simply looking up information, our Apple and Android phones can give us access to apps and services our own parents and grandparents could only have dreamed about.


In a moment, we will list a few of the best apps you can download today. But first, a few pointers to help you make the most out of your digital parenting aid:

  • Always keep a charger handy. You can have the best battery in the world, but at some point, your power supply is going to die, and you will not want to move and wake up your baby to charge it.
  • Don’t breastfeed and scroll. As tempting as it is, do not use your phone while you are feeding your baby. This is a precious bonding time, and they need your full attention, and you’ll regret not watching their little face as they drift off with a full belly. Save phone time for when they’ve fallen soundly asleep on your chest.
  • Check your notification sounds. This cannot be underscored enough: Go into your phone's settings and turn off random notifications. A single dinging email can wreak more havoc than you could possibly imagine. While your baby has to learn to sleep with background noise, a sudden loud chirping sound is something you absolutely want to avoid.

Best Apps For Parenting

Milk Maid

If you plan to pump, Milk Maid will be your best friend. You can use this app, which was created by Earlybird Software, to record pumping sessions and keep an inventory of where you have your milk stashed. Use it to keep track of milk storage dates, too. If you have trouble pumping, you can even export all your data into a spreadsheet format that you can share with your lactation consultant or healthcare provider.

Mommy Saver

Mommy Saver is an app that uses high-contrast patterns to captivate cranky babies when you need to step away for a moment. Although pictures on a screen are not a replacement for your hands-on care, when you need to go pee, take a quick phone call, or eat lunch, there is no shame in using the tools you have to hold your child’s attention. Keep in mind, however, that Mommy Saver is currently only available for iPhones and iPads.

The Wonder Weeks

The Wonder Weeks app has been named one of the coolest apps for moms and has even been called the best app ever. This relatively simple concept, which is to keep up with your baby’s milestones, takes a ton of mystery out of the early days of parenthood. Included in the app are helpful tips and information on making the most out of every stage of your baby’s development. You can also add the optional monitor and purchase the audio or ebook to complement your experience.

Sleep Baby Sleep

While certain noises from your phone can absolutely interrupt your infant’s sleep, there are others that can promote healthful rest. Sleep Baby Sleep allows you to choose from a number of sounds, including running water and a vacuum cleaner, to help your baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The sooner you use it, the better, too. 

At about four months, most babies' internal calming reflex tends to fade away. This is also a time in their development where they become super social and want to be the center of your attention day and night. Low-pitched sounds are, according to Happiest Baby, “droning and hypnotic” and lend well to sleep. Pair this app with the SlumberPod, and you’ll all be getting a great night’s sleep every night!

A Few Extras

Every parent needs some downtime, and of course, there are plenty of apps out there to help with that! Looking for a new (perhaps roomier!) home now that your family is expanding? Check out Redfin’s app. Want a good book to read (or listen to)? Check out Audible. Just need to check out and play a fun game for a bit? Try one of these.

Your phone can do much more than show you cat memes and take selfies of you and your sleeping baby. It is a valuable tool. Do not be afraid to use it by downloading a few apps that make parenting a more pleasant experience.

Julia Mitchell

Julia Mitchell is goal-driven to have a career that makes her excited to wake up every day. Now she is working in her dream job in a financial services firm and is a lifestyle expert for Outspiration. She has seen and experienced personal and professional success that she can't help but share the knowledge. 

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